
Are you loving your skin too much?
At Okana we’re big believers in developing a good skincare routine and sticking to it, however it is possible to have too much of a good thing. The massive amount of information about skincare th...
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This isn’t an article about Covid-19 face masks, masquerade balls or the cloaking devices used by Klingon warships in Star Trek. Our focus here is the time-honoured art of smearing deliciously-edi...
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Skincare for times of hormone hell
Moaning about hormones is a human condition. We all do it, at one time or another. Even guys. But hormones are actually very cool things. They are the chemical messengers that tell various bits of ...
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The problem with makeup wipes and what to use instead
If you’re in the habit of using makeup wipes to cleanse before bed, it’s probably time to change your wicked ways. Makeup wipes are a scourge, for both your skin and the environment. There are muc...
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What happens to your skin at night?
Never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. It helps your brain to work better, lifts happiness levels, irons out wrinkles and improves your skin colour. If you can get seven to eight h...
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Why is it that pimples arrive when you need them the least? Before a big date, job interview or special occasion. And don’t they just love to show up at times when you really, really want to look ...
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How to look after your skin if you have a cold
You’re feeling like you’ve been hit by a steamroller, but you definitely don’t have Covid-19 (get a test if you’re uncertain). It’s just an ordinary ‘flu or cold. You’re tired, blowing your nose c...
Read moreTrue or false: Are you skin smart?
The online beauty world is awash with information, but not all of it is reliable. Here we look at some of the most common fact or fiction scenarios circulating at the moment. Some of them are quite...
Read moreFive natural ways to get rid of blackheads
Blackheads are a visible sign that all is not well with your skin. You can take a trip to your local beautician, who will take great pleasure in extracting your pore-blocking invaders. Or you can d...
Read moreA beginner’s guide to skincare
Walking down the beauty aisle in the supermarket or pharmacy can be overwhelming if you don’t know what you need. There are literally thousands of products to choose from, and a lot of marketing tr...
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